Is Modern Life Threatening Your Mental Health?
Within the pages of Frontal Fatigue you will find eye-opening insight into the interconnectedness of mental illness, technology, and the modern world.
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Dr. Rego has practiced adult, adolescent and geriatric psychiatry for 30 years. He spent 25 years in community practice specializing in treating patients who required medications, helping people who were poorly responsive to usual treatment, and addressing the special needs of those in hospitals, nursing homes, group homes and outpatients with medical problems.
Since he began practice in 1989 he has taught psychiatric trainees at Yale New Haven Hospital and was the first member of his department to have psychiatric residents sit with him and observe patient care directly.
Currently he is researching and writing about the intersection between modern life and issues relevant to mental health. His publications can be found on ( and other sites. Dr. Rego presently consults to small community clinics who treat the under-served. He continues to teach at Yale New Haven Hospital.

From 2004 until 2010 Dr. Rego spent time in Ayacucho, Peru working with local groups to build a mental health center and continued years after to help supply them with needed medicines.

Dr. Rego seeing a patient in open-air office in Ayacucho, Peru

Dr Rego consulting with a clinic colleague In Ayacucho, Peru
“Written in simple yet sophisticated language, Frontal Fatigue provides a deeper perception of how our society lacks understanding, awareness, and acceptance of the most common mental health problems today. This book also provides recommendations and solutions to our mental dilemmas and how to counteract prefrontal cortex fatigue.[…] I truly loved this book! It intrigued me to the core.”
Readers’ Favorite
Mark Rego has figured out something that has been in front of the noses of mental health specialists for decades. It’s this: the stampede of new information that humans must process every day is wearing down the brain’s capacity to function correctly. Through painstaking research, interviews with international experts, and reflections on the many patients who have crossed his path, Dr. Rego easily and clearly takes his reader on a guided tour of major psychiatric conditions, the social foundations of wellness and the intricacies of brain physiology.
‘Frontal Fatigue. The Impact of Modern Life and Technology on Mental Illness’ is a master class in psychiatry with an eye opening conclusion that will make everyone who reads it rethink the role that technology plays in our lives.
Scott Haltzman, MD
Medical Director, Fuller Hospital, South Attleboro, MA
Author, The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife’s Heart Forever, The Secrets of Happy Families: Eight Keys to Building a Lifetime of Connection and Contentment, & The Secrets of Happily Married Women: How to Get More Out of Your Relationship by Doing Less (Jossey-Bass/Wiley); The Secrets of Surviving Infidelity (Johns Hopkins University Press).
In this ground-breaking work, Dr. Rego offers a radically new understanding of why stress and mental illness are increasing even as technology seems to ease our lives. He shows how the complex, abstract, and endlessly shifting demands of modern life overwhelm the prefrontal cortex, the part of our brain that is uniquely human but uniquely vulnerable. He closes with new insights for finding sanity and tranquility in the cacophony of the new human experience.
Paul Desan MD PhD
Director, Psychiatric Consultation Service
Department of Psychiatry
As a student of human nature, Rego’s assessment rings true. Readable, accessible, balanced and insightful, honest and reasoned, Rego’s work speaks to mind, heart and soul. Read it and find there is hope for you amid the ‘crazy’ world we are in.
The Rev. Andrew G. Osmun
With deft writing and the sensibility of a natural teacher, Dr. Mark Rego has written a book that accomplishes many things. He provides an overview of psychological health and mental illness in plain language. He translates philosophical and social theory of our time into a commonsense, transparent account of why mental illness is on the increase. He provides the scientific background for his hypothesis of frontal fatigue, all in easy-to-understand language. He defends the frontal fatigue hypothesis with cutting-edge scientific findings, and describes how we might respond and adapt. In this short book he provides a provocative analysis of how our runaway technoculture is draining brains still better-suited to the Stone Age.
John Z. Sadler MD
Professor of Psychiatry & Population/Data Sciences, UT Southwestern
Editor-in-Chief Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology