4 Common Experiences That Can Cause an Emotional Crisis – In my psychiatric practice, I treated a young man who had, among other problems, very severe acne. He told me a story about when his dermatologist started him on a new treatment. My patient asked the doctor how long it would be before there might be results. The dermatologist replied, “It depends on your emotional state.” read more
Modern Life and Mental Health Issue #3
Sadly, Burnout Can Affect Anyone – It all depends on the type of stress you’re put under. Even though I’ve been a psychiatrist for over 30 years, I still make it a habit to browse medical and psychiatric journals. There’s always something new to learn. For example, over the past few years the subject of Burnout has begun popping up. read more
Modern Life and Mental Health Issue #2
My plan was to make my presence as a psychiatrist known to the medical community. This, I hoped, would coincide with the blossoming knowledge about psychiatric problems among medical patients. read more
Modern Life and Mental Health Issue # 1
So, let’s begin today with a look at the mental health fallout from life during a global pandemic. Specifically, I’m looking at life during a pandemic, not from having COVID itself or related experiences like losing a loved one to COVID. read more
A First World Blind Spot
Fernando B. is a young, talented weaver who lives in a remote Andean city in Peru. He stayed in his room for two years because terrifying voices and paranoid thoughts plagued him. His mother came to our clinic, the Ayacucho Mental Health Project, desperate and helpless. read more